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Under your Wings (2024).

In this series, I would preach 12 messages for the year to remind God's people that they are safe, in line with Psalms 91. 


These lessons help Christians be confident in their God.

All video links below are to the Shaweleroad Youtube channel Subscribe for regular updates!

P.S: To enable you follow the video content or do further research/bible study as well as see information resources, transcripts/notes are provided for each video.

Ministries featured in the videos in this season:

Christian unity is very important to us, because it was important to Jesus. One of the last things Before he left this earth,  was to pray for his disciples about unity (John 17: 22-23). He had before that said this to them: 'Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples (John 13:35). We therefore feature many other ministries because these are our brethren in the faith, support them, show them love!

Disclaimer about ministries: The ministries/websites featured have not paid us to provide the recommendations and so the views expressed by us do not necessarily represent the views of the ministry promoted. Likewise, their views do not necessarily reflect those of this ministry.

Core Content

1. Watch: Gaining the whole world

read: transcript/notes.


Ministry featured:

We help churches and non-profits increase their output while decreasing their admin costs through helping them clarify their mission and providing the best tools to move forward.

2. Watch: Zeal for your house consumes me

read: transcript/notes.


Ministry featured:

Dag Heward-Mills, a Healing Evangelist is the founder and presiding bishop of UD-OLGC. UD-OLGC has a presence in 94 countries. Dag Heward-Mills has a multifarious ministry that has transformed and continues to impact millions of lives across the globe.

3. Watch: Who will end up in hell

read: transcript/notes.


Ministry featured:

Voddie Bauchum is known for his ability to demonstrate the Bible’s relevance to everyday life without compromising the centrality of Christ and the gospel. Those who hear him preach find themselves both challenged and encouraged.

4. Watch: Yes and Amen

read: transcript/notes.

Ministry featured:

Our task is to liberate the entire world from all oppressions of the enemy both spirtual and physical through the teachings and preaching of the word of FAITH.

5. Watch: Faith vs fantasy

read: transcript/notes.

Ministry featured:

Kenneth Hagin Ministries (aka Rhema) is a worldwide ministry based on faith, prayer, and the healing truths in God's Word.

6. Watch: Fighting the good fight

read: transcript/notes.

Ministry featured:

Regardless of where you are in your spiritual journey, we want to walk alongside you. 

7. Rest in the shadow

read: transcript/notes.

Ministry featured:

Our Mission: To be led by the Holy Spirit in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with as many people as possible by nurturing and affirming the God-ordained institution of the family and proclaiming biblical truths worldwide.


8. Watch: who is the good and faithful servant?

read: transcript/notes.

Ministry featured: "Give them aid":


Our Mission: To reach the groups of least, last and lost that are hard-to-reach and vulnerable communities for lasting life impact development.

9. Watch: Shameless audacity (testimony) - praying dangerous prayers

read: transcript/notes.

Ministry featured: is a Christian non-profit organization dedicated to the spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ through the collection of verified testimonies from various Christians including from Christian ministry partners worldwide.

10. Watch: I am coming soon (Hold fast)

read: transcript/notes.

Ministry featured:

Grace Communion Church: Through Spirit-led, life-giving relationships, our 30,000 members in about 550 churches spread across 70 countries seek to multiply mature followers of Jesus throughout the world.

11. Watch: Who is like you Lord?

read: transcript/notes.

Ministry featured:

Above & Beyond Christian Counseling focuses on providing excellent Christian counseling and deliverance ministry services.

12. Watch: In your presence is fullness of joy

read: transcript/notes.

Ministry featured:

Olivia Davis’s ministry Look Upward helps people to discover the love and majesty of Jesus Christ.

Disclaimer: This website and the content herein represent personal views and not necessarily those of associates including through work, professional, church or family life. The topics on this website can be challenging to understand and so if there are any matters you do not understand, we are quite open minded and we can talk, otherwise, seek advice from someone you trust and who is knowledgeable of your particular circumstances or the areas of difficulty.

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