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Blossom (2020) .

These 12 lessons derived from a flower in bloom, just before it starts bearing fruit are to help maturing Christians to start bearing fruit in the Holy Spirit

All video links below are to the Shaweleroad Youtube channel Subscribe for regular updates!

P.S: To enable you follow the video content or do further research/bible study as well as see information resources, transcripts/notes are provided for each video.

Ministries featured in the videos in this season:

Christian unity is very important to us, because it was important to Jesus. One of the last things Before he left this earth,  was to pray for his disciples about unity (John 17: 22-23). He had before that said this to them: 'Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples (John 13:35). We therefore feature many other ministries because these are our brethren in the faith, support them, show them love!

Disclaimer about ministries: The ministries/websites featured have not paid us to provide the recommendations and so the views expressed by us do not necessarily represent the views of the ministry promoted. Likewise, their views do not necessarily reflect those of this ministry.

Core Content

1. Watch: Blossoming into joy

read: transcript/notes.

Ministry/website featured:

With Kiva, you can lend as little as $25 and make a big change in someone's life.

2. Watch: On Hunger

read: transcript/notes.

Ministry/website featured:

The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) is a non-profit, interdenominational missions organization that serves persecuted Christians around the world.

3. Watch: On patience and self control.

read: transcript/notes

Ministry/website featured:

We respond to sex and labor trafficking as they happen.

4. Watch: On Money (weeds to the fruit of the Spirit).

read: transcript/notes

Ministry/website featured:  Christ for all nations

The ministry founded by Reinhard Bonkke and now run by Daniel Kolenda and has had over 79 million souls making a decision for Jesus. 

5. Watch: Bearing fruit (until Jesus' second coming)

read: Transcript/notes


Ministry/website featured: God TV/Patricia King

Are you hungry to live a supernatural life, to live beyond the reach of human explanation and in a realm where God operates

6. Watch: Beauty in the Spirit

read: Transcript/notes

Ministry/website featured: Arocha

A Christian organization engaging communities in nature conservation.

7. Watch: Roots (what's your heritage)

read: Transcript/notes


Ministry/website featured:  NAACP

The NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) is the largest and most pre-eminent civil rights organization in the USA. 

8. Watch: gentle long suffering (ministry of psalms)

read: Transcript/notes

Ministry/website featured:

The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) is a non-profit, interdenominational missions organization that serves persecuted Christians around the world.

9. Watch: love (with kindness)

read: Transcript/notes

Ministry/website featured:

Releasing Children From Poverty in Jesus' Name

10. Watch: Evil (killin' it)

read: Transcript/notes

Ministry/website to support: saddleback church

Over 200 Ministries and 11 Locations, Saddleback Church's Mission is to be a Place of Family, Community, and Hope. A Place to get Help, Healing and Hope.

11. Watch: Sadness (pruning in the Spirit)

read: Transcript/notes

Ministry/website to support:  Samaritans purse

An international relief and development organisation that works through local churches to proclaim and demonstrate the love of God.

12. Watch: Discipline (the work prepared from the beginning)

read: Transcript/notes

Ministry/website to support:  lighthousechurchjersey

We believe that there are people in every corner of the world who can start or lead groups of believers in their homes or other settings. 

Disclaimer: This website and the content herein represent personal views and not necessarily those of associates including through work, professional, church or family life. The topics on this website can be challenging to understand and so if there are any matters you do not understand, we are quite open minded and we can talk, otherwise, seek advice from someone you trust and who is knowledgeable of your particular circumstances or the areas of difficulty.

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